Existing Without Expectations
Silly. Fun. Thoughtful. Reflective. Just like Flying Squads themselves this podcast was filled with all of it, along with plenty of space for loud laughter. In our latest episode we are joined by three Flying Squad facilitators (in addition to Daveed and Bria) from different locations, and we talk about all things Flying Squads, including: resting and healing together, being stuck with one another (or, community elevated), the impact on our deschooling, jokes and humor as processing, and the different (and similar) ways Flying Squads show up in the world.
So much gratitude to our awesome and hilarious Flying Squad guests Annie Friday of Blue Bridge ALC (https://bluebridgeschool.com) & Flying Squad, Jean Finlay of Philly ALC (https://www.phillyalc.org ) and Flying Squad, and Susan Milton of Seattle Flying Squad (https://instagram.com/seattleflyingsquads?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=). You all made this sooo joyful and thought provoking!